Asana is more than just a chair
In Sanskrit – the oldest language in the world – the term ‘asana’ means a posture or a sitting position. Asana is a physical posture in the yoga system, mainly in hatha yoga. Yoga means “connection” and the entire eight-stage system of yoga is a unifying process with the essence of our own self, with the essence of the universe, and it culminates in the connection with the Creator.
The connection actually means the harmonization with higher natural relations – with the God’s laws.
Asana in yoga enables us to harmonize ourselves with the laws of our body and mind. Pain, diseases and suffering are caused when subtle, higher or gross physical laws are violated and they warn us to harmonize ourselves with them.
This is also true for present-day sitting. The problems, which are caused by present-day long-term sitting, are the result of disharmony between the sitting furniture and the laws of our bodies – regular sitting furniture and our bodies are not in harmonious “connection”.
The ASANA chair is unique because it naturally follows the process of connection and harmonization with the laws of our bodies. It eases the blocked energy pathways and chakras – the energy gates – on the subtle energetic level. At the same time it is in harmony with the anatomy of our physical bodies, which results in comfortable and pleasant sitting without fatigue, pain or health problems.
Slovak Republic
Ing. arch. Peter Doričko - PROINVEST
Duchnovičovo Námestie 1
08001 PREŠOV
Opening hours:
By prior arrangement on
tel.: +421 907 477 485
Tomášiková 5/B
821 01 Bratislava
Tel.č. 0948 339 697
Opening hours:
Monday-Fiday : 10:00 - 18:00

Production and Sale in the Slovak Republic:
Ing. arch. Peter Doričko - PROINVEST
ul.Botanická 16
08004 PREŠOV
tel. : +421 907 477 485
tel. : +421 917 638 922
Czech Republic
PROGRESS Interior s.r.o.
Koželužská 2246/5,PRAHA 8 – LIBEŇ
(přízemí budovy SUBTERRA – dříve Metrostav)
Stanice METRA PALMOVKA 458 m
Opening hours:
By prior arrangement on
tel.: +420 602 200 732
Třebohostická 564/9
100 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
Opening hours:
By prior arrangement on
tel.: +420 603 196 686
Pardubická 178
53701 Chrudim
Czech Republic
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday : 08:00 – 16:00
tel.: +420 731 443 725
OCCO Office Design Solutions
Rooseni 7/7, Tallinn 10111, Estonia
Paul Veetõusme
Tel. +372 50 166 17
D. Zelina
Sv. Helena 150D, 10382 D. Zelina
Tel. 01/561 2070