“It can be said that the design structure TEST satisfies condition of strain minimizing at long-lasting sitting position without restriction. The TEST type improves the ergonomic quality of the seats design by its new, original conception of the seat surface in a remarkable way. Its dominant positive contribution can be seen in a reduction of the presses on the pelvic bottom simultaneously with the fixation of the pelvis in an optimal, adjustable position. This new element does not exist in any other variant of present standard seats. Therefore we recommend this principle to be implemented for the seats determined for workplaces with a monotonous and sedentary working mode, e.g. office workplaces with PCs, operators’ workplaces, car seats, and the like. We recommend also utilisation in health service, for example at the reduction of handicap consequences, vertebrogen syndrome and the like.”
Prof. Ing. Stanislav Otáhal, CSc,
Head of the research team
Laboratory of Biomechanics of Extreme Loads
Department of Anatomy and Biomechanics
Charles University in Prague, FTVS UK

Take a look at the testing on Charles University in Prague:

Take a closer look at the comparison of regular chair and Asana chair
after several hours sitting.
The course of the test
A certified test was carried out at Charles University in Prague. The picture depicts one of the participants after continuous seven-hour sitting.
The tested participant was sitting on a regular chair from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. As the result he suffered pain between the shoulder blades and in the lumbar region, discomfort in the neck region and slight discomfort in the tailbone region. After that the tested participant switched to the Asana chair on which he was sitting until 4 p.m. A significant decline of pain and discomfort is visible in all regions.

Na stiahnutie:
Slovak Republic
Ing. arch. Peter Doričko - PROINVEST
Strojnícka 1
080 01 PREŠOV
Opening hours:
By prior arrangement on
tel.: +421 907 477 485
Martin Füzek
Najzdravsiesedenie.sk - showroom
Polianky 17
841 01 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 903 256 793
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 16:00
Czech Republic
3D Expres s.r.o.
Masarykova 385
282 01 Český Brod
Opening hours:
By prior arrangement on
tel.: +420 602 827 378
e-mail: info@sedetzdrave.cz
PROGRESS Interior s.r.o.
Koželužská 2246/5,PRAHA 8 – LIBEŇ
(přízemí budovy SUBTERRA – dříve Metrostav)
Stanice METRA PALMOVKA 458 m
Opening hours:
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tel.: +420 602 200 732
Pardubická 178
53701 Chrudim
Czech Republic
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday : 08:00 – 16:00
tel.: +420 731 443 725
OCCO Office Design Solutions
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Paul Veetõusme
Tel. +372 50 166 17
D. Zelina
Sv. Helena 150D, 10382 D. Zelina
Tel. 01/561 2070

Ing. arch. Peter Doričko - PROINVEST
ul.Botanická 16
08004 PREŠOV
tel. : +421 907 477 485
tel. : +421 917 638 922